Synonyms and related words :
CD, IOU, MO, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridgment, abstract, acceptance, acceptance bill, adumbrate, air current, arrangement, article, attraction, autograph, bag, bang, bank acceptance, bank check, beverage, bill, bill of draft, bill of exchange, black and white, blackmail, blank check, bleed, block in, block out, blueprint, booster, booster dose, booster shot, boot, brainchild, brief, broach, brouillon, bumper, call, call for, call up, call-up, capsule, cartoon, certificate, certificate of deposit, certified check, chalk, chalk out, characterize, charcoal, charcoal drawing, chart, check, checkbook, cheque, chiaroscuro, claim, color, commandeer, commercial paper, compend, compose, composition, compulsory military service, computer printout, concoct, condensation, condensed version, conscript, conscription, conspectus, contribution, contrive, copy, copy out, crayon, crosscurrent, crosshatch, current, current of air, dash off, daub, debenture, decant, deck, delineate, delineation, demand, demand bill, demand draft, demand for, depict, design, detach, detach for service, devise, diagram, digest, displacement, document, doodle, dose, downdraft, draft call, draft off, drafted man, draftee, drafting, drag, drain, dram, draw, draw from, draw off, draw up, drawing, drayage, drench, drink, drop, dropping, drug packet, due bill, duty, ebauche, edit, edited version, edition, elevation, empty, enface, engross, engrossment, enlist, enlistee, enlistment, enroll, enrollee, enrollment, epitome, esquisse, essay, exaction, exchequer bill, exhaust, extortion, extortionate demand, extraction, fabricate, fair copy, fall wind, fashion, fiction, figure, final draft, finished version, first draft, fix, flimsy, flow of air, following wind, forge, form, formulate, frame, gargle, graph, ground plan, gulp, guzzle, hatch, haul, haulage, hauling, head, head wind, heave, heaving, heavy demand, hit, holograph, house plan, hymnal, hymnbook, ichnography, imposition, impost, impress, impressment, indent, indraft, induct, inductee, induction, inflow, inhalation, injection, inrush, inscribe, insistent demand, inspiration, instrumental score, invent, jetstream, jigger, join, jolt, katabatic wind, lap, let, let blood, let out, letter, letter of credit, levy, libation, libretto, limn, line, line drawing, list, literae scriptae, literary artefact, literary production, literature, lucubration, lug, lute tablature, mainlining, make, make a recension, make out, manufacture, manuscript, matter, milk, mobilization, mobilize, money order, monsoon, movement of air, music, music paper, music roll, musical notation, musical score, muster, muster in, narcotic shot, negotiable instrument, nip, nonfiction, nonnegotiable demand, notation, note, note of hand, notice, opera, opera score, opus, orchestral score, order, original, outline, overdose, overview, paint, paint a picture, pandect, paper, parchment, part, pastel, pattern, peg, pen, pen-and-ink, pencil, pencil drawing, penscript, phlebotomize, piano score, picture, picturize, piece, piece of writing, pipette, plan, play, plot, poem, popping, portion, portray, postal order, potation, potion, precis, prepare, press, printed matter, printout, production, profile, project, projection, promissory note, prospectus, pull, pulling, pulling power, pump, pump out, push the pen, put in writing, quaff, raise, raw recruit, reading matter, recense, recension, record, recruit, recruiting, recruitment, requirement, requisition, review, revise, rewrite, rookie, rough, rough copy, rough draft, rough in, rough out, rough outline, rough sketch, round, round of drinks, rubric, rush, rush order, score, scratch, screed, scribe, scrip, script, scrive, scroll, scumble, selectee, selective service, shade, shape, sheet music, short score, shortened version, shot, sight bill, sight draft, sign on, sign up, silhouette, silver-print drawing, sinkage, sinopia, sip, siphon, siphon off, skeleton, sketch, skin-popping, slurp, snifter, snort, songbook, songster, spill ink, spoil paper, spot, stencil, strain, stream, stream of air, study, submergence, submersion, suck, suck out, summon, summons, sup, superscribe, survey, swig, swill, syllabus, synopsis, tablature, table, tail wind, tap, tax, taxing, tenderfoot, text, the written word, thumbnail sketch, time bill, time draft, tint, topical outline, tot, towage, towing, trace, tracing, traction, tractive, tractive power, trade acceptance, trainee, transcribe, transcript, transcription, treasury bill, tribute, tug, tug-of-war, tugging, type, typescript, ultimatum, undercurrent, updraft, venesect, version, vignette, vocal score, voucher, warning, warrant, wet, wind, work, working drawing, write, write down, write out, writing, written music,