Synonyms and related words :
ablate, absorb, assimilate, bite, bleed white, break bread, burn up, canker, consume, corrode, count calories, deplete, devour, diet, digest, disregard, dissolve, down, drain, drain of resources, drink, eat away, eat into, eat out, eat up, engorge, engulf, erode, etch, exhaust, expend, fall to, fare, feed, feed on, finish, finish off, gnaw, gobble, gobble up, gulp, gulp down, hunger, ignore, imbibe, impoverish, ingest, ingurgitate, meal, nibble away, oxidize, partake, partake of, pitch in, pocket, pocket the affront, relish, rust, savor, spend, squander, stomach, suck dry, swallow, swallow an insult, swallow up, swill, swill down, take, taste, turn aside provocation, use up, waste away, wear away, wolf down