Synonyms and related words :
Chinese lantern, Christmas rose, Eglantine, acacia, advance, androecium, anther, arrowhead, asiaticism, aster, attain majority, axiom, azalea, batten, bead, bear fruit, bejewel, beribbon, bespangle, best, bleeding heart, bloom, blossom, blow, bluebell, boom, broom, bud, budding, burgeon, burgeoning, buttercup, cactus, calendula, calyx, camellia, carnation, carpel, center, champion, choice, chosen, chrysanthemum, cineraria, clematis, clethra, cockscomb, columbine, come of age, come out, come to maturity, core, cornel, cornflower, corolla, corolla tube, corona, cosmos, cowslip, cream, crocus, cyclamen, daffodil, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, delphinium, develop, device, diamond, dogwood, duckweed, edelweiss, effloresce, efflorescence, elect, elite, elixir, engrave, epicalyx, essence, essential, euphuism, evolute, evolve, fat, fatten, feather, figurative language, figurativeness, figure, figure of speech, filigree, finest, flag, flax, fledge, fleur-de-lis, floret, floriculture, floridity, floscule, flounce, flourish, floweret, flowery style, focus, forget-me-not, forsythia, foxglove, foxtail, fuchsia, fundamental, gardenia, gardening, garland, gem, gentility, gentry, geranium, germination, gist, gravamen, groundsel, grow, grow fat, grow up, growth, gynoecium, hawthorn, heart, heather, hibiscus, honeysuckle, horehound, horticulture, hortorium, hyacinth, hydrangea, hypostasis, illuminate, image, imagery, impatience, indigo, inner essence, iris, jasmine, jewel, jonquil, kernel, lavender, leave the nest, lilac, lily, lobelia, lotus, lupine, luxuriation, magnolia, mallow, manner of speaking, marigold, marrow, marsh marigold, marshmallow, maturate, mature, mayflower, meat, megasporophyll, mellow, microsporophyll, mignonette, moccasin flower, mock orange, monkshood, motherwort, myrtle, narcissus, nonesuch, nonliterality, nonliteralness, nonpareil, nub, nucleus, nuts and bolts, oleander, open, optimum, orchid, ornament, oxalis, paint, pansy, paragon, peony, perianth, periwinkle, petal, phlox, pick, pink, pistil, pith, plume, poppy, postulate, posy, pride, prime, primrose, principle, prize, progress, pullulation, purple passage, quality, queen, quid, quiddity, quintessence, ranunculus, reach manhood, reach twenty-one, reach voting age, receptacle, resurrection plant, rhododendron, ribbon, ripen, rose, sap, season, select, settle down, shoot, shooting star, snapdragon, snowball, snowberry, snowdrop, society, soul, spangle, spiraea, spirit, spray, sprouting, stamen, stigma, stock, strawflower, stuff, style, substance, sunflower, superlative, sweet William, sweet alyssum, sweet pea, temper, the best, the best ever, the nitty-gritty, the tops, the very best, thrive, tinsel, toga virilis, top, torus, trillium, trope, tulip, turn of expression, umbrella plant, unfold, upper class, upper crust, vegetation, verbena, vetch, viola, violet, wallflower, water lily, wax, way of speaking, wildflower, wisteria, wolfbane, wreathe, yarrow, yucca, zinnia