Meaning of HOLY ORDERS in English

Synonyms and related words :

acolyte, acolytus, apostleship, apostolic orders, appointment, baptism, call, calling, canonization, care of souls, conferment, confirmation, consecration, deacon, diaconus, doorkeeper, election, exorcist, exorcista, extreme unction, induction, installation, institution, investiture, lector, major orders, matrimony, minor orders, nomination, ordainment, orders, ordination, ostiarius, pastorage, pastoral care, pastorate, penance, preferment, presbyter, presentation, priest, priesthood, priestship, rabbinate, reader, reading in, sacred calling, seven sacraments, subdeacon, subdiaconus, the Eucharist, the church, the cloth, the desk, the ministry, the pulpit, vocation

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