Synonyms and related words :
KO, abbreviate, abridge, absorb, adolescent stream, amuse, annihilate, arroyo, asphyxiate, assassinate, bane, beasts of venery, beck, beguile, bereave of life, big game, black out, blood, bloodletting, bloodshed, blot out, blue-pencil, bottle up, bourn, bowdlerize, braided stream, braining, branch, brook, brooklet, bump off, burn, butcher, call off, cancel, carry away, carry off, censor, channel, chloroform, choke, choke off, clamp down on, close, complete, conclusion, constitute, consume, convulse, cork, cork up, coup de grace, crack down on, creek, crick, cross out, crush, cut, cut down, cut off, cut short, damp, damp down, deaden, dealing death, death, deathblow, decimate, decree, defeat, delete, delight, denouement, deprive of life, destroy, destruction, destruction of life, devastate, dispatch, dispose of, divert, do away with, do for, do in, do to death, down, drop the curtain, drown, dull, edit, edit out, eliminate, enact, enact laws, end, end off, enliven, entertain, eradicate, erase, euthanasia, execute, execution, exhaust, exhilarate, expunge, expurgate, exterminate, extermination, extinguish, fag out, fatigue, filibuster, fill, finalize, finish, finish off, flow of blood, flowing stream, fluviation, fold up, fracture one, fresh, freshet, gag, game, get it over, get over with, get rid of, get the floor, get through with, gill, give the quietus, gore, have the floor, hit, hold down, hugger-mugger, hurt, hush, hush up, hush-hush, ice, idle, immolate, immolation, jump on, kayo, keep down, keep under, kibosh, killing, knife, knock dead, knock off, knock out, lapidation, launch into eternity, lay low, lazy stream, legislate, liquidate, lobby through, logroll, loosen up, lynch, make away with, martyr, martyrdom, martyrization, martyrize, massacre, meandering stream, mercy killing, midchannel, midstream, millstream, moving road, muffle, murder, muzzle, navigable river, negative, neutralize, nip, nullify, obliterate, occupy, omit, ordain, pain, pass, perfect, pigeonhole, pocket, poison, poisoning, polish off, pour water on, prey, purge, put away, put down, put in force, put paid to, put through, put to death, put to sleep, quarry, quash, quell, quench, race, racing stream, railroad through, raise a laugh, raise a smile, ravage, recreate, refresh, regale, relax, remove from life, repress, rescind, ritual killing, ritual murder, river, rivulet, roll logs, rub out, ruin, rule against, run, rundle, runlet, runnel, sacrifice, scrag, shoot, shoot down, shooting, shush, shut, shut down, shut down on, shut off, sike, silence, sit down on, sit on, slaughter, slay, slaying, smash, smother, snuff out, solace, spend, spill stream, squash, squelch, stanch, starve, stifle, still, stoning, strangle, stream, stream action, streamlet, strike, strike off, strike out, stultify, subdue, subterranean river, suffocate, suppress, switch off, table, take life, take off, take the floor, taking of life, termination, the hunted, throttle, tickle, tire out, titillate, to, torment, torture, turn off, use up, venery, veto, victim, void, wadi, waste, watercourse, waterway, weary, while away, wipe out, wow, yield the floor, zap