Synonyms and related words :
abiotic, acoustic tile, allophone, alveolar, anaudic, antiknock, aphasic, aphonic, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulation, aspiration, assimilation, azoic, baffle, baffler, baton, bearer, bilabial, bit player, breathless, brief, brusque, cacuminal, cerebral, check, close, close-tongued, closemouthed, concise, consonant, continuant, curt, cushion, damp, dampen, dampener, damper, deaden, deaf-mute, deafen, dental, diapason, diphthong, dissimilation, dull, dumb, dumbfounded, dumbstricken, dumbstruck, dummy, economical of words, epenthetic vowel, exanimate, explosive, extra, figurant, figurante, gag, glide, glottal, glottalization, griever, guttural, hush, hushcloth, inanimate, inanimated, inarticulate, indisposed to talk, inert, insensate, insensible, insentient, keener, labial, labialization, labiodental, labiovelar, laconic, lamenter, laryngeal, lateral, lifeless, lingual, liquid, manner of articulation, metronome, modification, monochord, monophthong, morphophoneme, mourner, muffle, muffler, mum, music stand, muzzle, nasal, nonconscious, nonliving, occlusive, palatal, pallbearer, parasitic vowel, peak, pharyngeal, pharyngealization, phone, phoneme, pitch pipe, plosive, professional mourner, prothetic vowel, quiet, quietener, reserved, retroflex, rhythmometer, segmental phoneme, semivowel, senseless, short, silence, silence cloth, silencer, silent, snug, soft pedal, soft-pedal, soften, sonant, sonometer, sonority, sordine, sordino, soulless, sound-absorbing material, soundproofing, soundproofing insulation, sourdine, sparing of words, spear-carrier, speech sound, speechless, stand-in, standby, stick, stifle, stop, stricken dumb, subdue, substitute, supe, super, supernumerary, support, supporting actor, supporting cast, suppress, surd, syllabic nucleus, syllabic peak, syllable, tacit, taciturn, terse, tight-lipped, tone down, tone measurer, tongue-tied, tongueless, transition sound, triphthong, tuning bar, tuning fork, tuning pipe, turn down, unanimated, unconscious, understudy, unfeeling, unloquacious, unsaid, unspoken, untalkative, velar, vocable, vocalic, vocoid, voice, voiced sound, voiceless, voiceless sound, voicing, vowel, walk-on, walking gentleman, word-bound, wordless