Meaning of OPENING in English

Synonyms and related words :

a leg up, abysm, abyss, access, adit, air lock, aisle, alley, alpha, ambulatory, aperture, apparition, appearance, appearing, appointment, approach, arcade, arising, arroyo, artery, avatar, avenue, bareness, barrenness, beginning, berth, billet, birth, blankness, blast-off, bleakness, blowhole, box canyon, breach, break, canyon, cavity, chance, channel, chap, chasm, check, chimney, chink, chute, clear stage, cleft, cleuch, cloister, clough, col, colonnade, coming, coming into being, coming-forth, commencement, communication, conduit, connection, corridor, coulee, couloir, covered way, crack, cranny, creation, crevasse, crevice, cut, cutting edge, cwm, dawn, dawning, debouch, debut, defile, dell, demonstration, desertedness, desolateness, dike, disclosure, discontinuity, display, ditch, donga, door, draw, edge, egress, emergence, employment, emptiness, emunctory, enactment, engagement, entrance, entranceway, entree, entry, entryway, epiphany, escape, establishment, estuary, excavation, exhaust, exhibit, exhibition, exit, exposition, exposure, fair field, fair game, fault, ferry, fissure, flaw, floodgate, flume, flying start, foothold, ford, forthcoming, foundation, fracture, fresh start, furrow, gallery, gangplank, gangway, gap, gape, gash, gig, gorge, groove, gulch, gulf, gully, hall, hole, hollowness, in, inanition, inauguration, incarnation, incision, incumbency, ingress, initiation, inlet, institution, intake, interchange, intersection, issuance, job, joint, jump-off, junction, kick-off, kloof, lane, launch, leading edge, leak, liberty, look-in, loophole, manifestation, materialization, materializing, means of access, moat, moonlighting, new departure, noninhabitance, nonoccupance, nonoccupancy, nonresidence, notch, nullah, occasion, occurrence, office, oncoming, onset, open arms, open door, opportunism, opportunity, orifice, origin, origination, ostentation, out, outbreak, outcome, outfall, outgate, outgo, outlet, outset, outstart, overpass, pass, passage, passageway, performance, pit, place, place open, pore, port, portico, position, post, presentation, presentment, production, projection, railroad tunnel, ravine, realization, rent, representation, retrospective, revelation, rift, rime, rise, rising, room, running start, rupture, sally port, scissure, scope, seam, second job, send-off, separation, service, setout, setting in motion, setting-up, shot, show, showing, showing forth, situation, slit, slot, sluice, spiracle, split, spout, square one, squeak, start, start-off, starting point, station, stepping-stone, take-off, tap, tenure, theophany, time, traject, trajet, trench, tunnel, underpass, unfolding, unfoldment, unveiling, vacancy, vacant post, vacuity, valley, varnishing day, vent, ventage, venthole, vernissage, vestibule, void, voidness, vomitory, wadi, way, way in, way out, weir

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