Meaning of PROPORTION in English

Synonyms and related words :

accommodate, accord, acreage, adapt, addition, adjust, adjust to, agreement, allegory, allotment, allowance, amount, amplitude, analogousness, analogy, approximation, area, arithmetical proportion, arrangement, array, assimilate, attune, balance, balancing, beauty, big end, bigger half, bigness, bilateral symmetry, bit, bite, body, breadth, budget, bulk, caliber, cancel, capacity, change, chunk, coequality, coextension, commensurability, commission, comparability, comparableness, comparative anatomy, comparative degree, comparative grammar, comparative judgment, comparative linguistics, comparative literature, comparative method, comparativeness, compare, comparing, comparison, compass, compensate, concinnity, concord, conform, conformity, confrontation, confrontment, congruity, consistency, contingent, continued fraction, continuum, contrast, contrastiveness, coordinate, correlation, correspondence, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, coverage, cut, cut to, deal, degree, deployment, depth, destiny, diameter, differentiation, dimension, dimensions, disposal, disposition, distinction, distinctiveness, distribution, divide, dividend, division, dole, dynamic symmetry, emptiness, empty space, end, enlarge, equal share, equality, equalize, equate, equation, equilibrium, equipoise, equipollence, equiponderance, equity, equivalence, equivalency, euphony, eurythmics, eurythmy, even, even up, evenness, evolution, expanse, expansion, extension, extent, extrapolation, fate, field, finish, fit, fix, formation, fraction, galactic space, gauge, gear to, geometric ratio, girth, grade, graduate, greatness, group, half, halver, harmonic proportion, harmonize, harmony, height, helping, homologate, homologize, identity, improper fraction, infinite space, integrate, integration, interest, interpolation, interstellar space, interval, inversion, involution, justice, keeping, key to, largeness, layout, leap, length, level, levelness, likeness, likening, lineup, lot, magnitude, make plumb, make uniform, mark, marshaling, mass, match, matching, measure, measuredness, measurement, meed, mess, metaphor, modicum, modify, modulate, moiety, multilateral symmetry, multiplication, notation, notch, nothingness, nuance, opposing, opposition, order, orderedness, organization, outer space, par, parallelism, parity, part, pas, peace, peg, percent, percentage, period, piece, pitch, plane, plateau, point, poise, polarity, portion, practice, pro rata, proportionability, proportionality, proportionate, proportions, prorate, put in tune, quantum, quiet, quietude, quota, quotum, radius, rake-off, range, rank, rate, ratio, ration, reach, reconcile, rectify, reduction, regularity, regularize, regulate, relation, relationship, remove, rhythm, right, round, routine, rule of three, rung, scale, scope, segment, set, set right, setup, shade, shadow, shape, shapeliness, share, similarity, similarize, simile, similitude, size, slice, small share, sort, space, spatial extension, sphere, spread, square, stair, stake, standard, step, stint, stock, strike a balance, structure, subtraction, suitableness, superficial extension, surface, sweetness, symmetricalness, symmetry, sync, synchronize, system, tailor, tract, tranquillity, transformation, tread, trilateral symmetry, trim to, trope of comparison, TRUE, true up, tune, uniformity, void, volume, weighing, width

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