n. & v.
1. a a comparative part or share (a large proportion of the profits). b a comparative ratio (the proportion of births to deaths).
2 the correct or pleasing relation of things or parts of a thing (the house has fine proportions; exaggerated out of all proportion).
3 (in pl.) dimensions; size (large proportions).
4 Math. a an equality of ratios between two pairs of quantities, e.g. 3:5 and 9:15. b a set of such quantities. c Math. rule of three; see also direct proportion, inverse proportion.
--v.tr. (usu. foll. by to) make (a thing etc.) proportionate (must proportion the punishment to the crime).
Phrases and idioms:
in proportion
1. by the same factor.
2 without exaggerating (importance etc.) (must get the facts in proportion).
proportioned adj. (also in comb.). proportionless adj. proportionment n.
Etymology: ME f. OF proportion or L proportio (as PRO-(1), PORTION)