Meaning of PROPORTION in English

n. 1 ratio, (comparative) relation, relationship, comparison The proportion of men to women on the course is three to one The demand is out of all proportion to the supply. 2 balance, agreement, concord, harmony, suitableness, symmetry, congruity, correspondence, correlation, arrangement, distribution The beauty of the building is at once apparent in the elegant proportion of its parts 3 portion, division, share, part, percentage, quota, allotment, ration, Colloq cut Water covers a large proportion of the surface 4 proportions. size, magnitude, dimensions, measurements, extent; volume, capacity, mass, bulk, area, expanse, scope, range, degree The dragon suddenly assumed gigantic proportions

v. 5 adjust, modify, change, modulate, poise, balance, shape, fit, match, conform, equate The punishment should be proportioned to the crime

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