Synonyms and related words :
Australian ballot, Hare system, Indiana ballot, Massachusetts ballot, absentee ballot, advocate, agency, agent, agentship, alter ego, alternate, alternative, amicus curiae, analogy, assignee, assignment, attorney, authority, authorization, aye, backup, backup man, ballot, ballot-box stuffer, balloter, blanket ballot, brevet, canvass, canvassing, care, casting vote, champion, change, changeling, charge, commission, commissioning, commitment, comparison, consignment, copy, counterfeit, counting heads, cumulative voting, cure, deciding vote, delegate, delegated authority, delegation, deputation, deputy, devolution, devolvement, division, double, dummy, elector, embassy, empowerment, enfranchisement, entrusting, entrustment, equal, equivalent, errand, ersatz, exchange, executive officer, executorship, exequatur, exponent, factor, factorship, fagot vote, fake, figurehead, fill-in, floater, franchise, fraudulent voter, full power, ghost, ghostwriter, graveyard vote, hand vote, imitation, jurisdiction, legation, license, lieutenancy, lieutenant, list system, locum, locum tenens, long ballot, makeshift, mandate, metaphor, metonymy, mission, mock, nay, next best thing, no, nonpartisan ballot, nontransferable vote, office, office-block ballot, paranymph, party emblem, party-column ballot, personnel, phony, pinch, pinch hitter, pleader, plebiscite, plebiscitum, plenipotentiary power, plumper, plural vote, poll, polling, power of attorney, power to act, preferential voting, procuration, procurator, proportional representation, provisional, purview, record vote, referendum, regency, regentship, registered voter, relief, repeater, replacement, representation, representative, reserve, reserves, responsibility, right to vote, ringer, rising vote, sample ballot, say, second in command, second string, secondary, secret ballot, short ballot, show of hands, sign, single vote, slate, snap vote, spare, spares, split ticket, stand-in, stopgap, straight ticket, straw vote, sub, substituent, substitute, substitution, succedaneum, suffrage, superseder, supplanter, surrogate, symbol, synecdoche, task, temporary, tentative, third string, ticket, token, transferable vote, trust, trusteeship, understudy, utility, utility man, utility player, vicar, vicar general, vicarious, vicarious authority, vice, vice-president, vice-regent, vicegerent, viva voce, voice, voice vote, vote, voter, voting, voting right, warrant, write-in, write-in vote, yea, yeas and nays, yes