Synonyms and related words :
arrest, arrestation, arrestment, badger, bar, barricade, bear, bear against, bear down on, bear down upon, bear hard upon, bear hug, bind, blackmail, bleed, block, block up, blockade, blockage, blocking, bolt, boodle, booty, bosom, broad, check, chock, choke, choke off, clamp, clamping, clamping down, clasp, clench, clinch, clip, clogging, close, close off, close tight, close up, closing up, closure, clutch, compact, complication, compress, compression, concentrate, condense, congest, consolidate, constrict, constriction, contort, contract, cram, cramp, crowd, crunch, crush, debar, decoct, delay, densen, densify, detainment, detention, distill, distort, dog, doxy, embarrassing position, embarrassment, embosom, embrace, enfold, enfoldment, ensphere, essentialize, exact, express, extort, extract, fine how-do-you-do, fixation, fold, foot-dragging, force, force from, garble, get by, get one wrong, get through, get wrong, gloss, gouge, graft, grip, hampering, haul, hell to pay, high-pressure, hindering, hindrance, hobble, hold, holdback, holdup, hot goods, hot water, how-do-you-do, hug, imbroglio, impediment, influence, infuse, inhibition, interference, interruption, jam, lean on, let, levy blackmail, lock, loot, melt down, mess, milk, misapply, misapprehend, miscite, misconceive, misconstrue, misdeem, misexplain, misexplicate, misexpound, misinterpret, misjudge, misquote, misread, misrender, mistake, mistranslate, mistress, misunderstand, mix, moll, morass, negativism, nip, nuisance value, obstruct, obstruction, obstructionism, occlude, occlusion, opposition, pack, parlous straits, pass, perks, perquisite, pervert, pickings, pickle, pinch, plight, plunder, pork barrel, predicament, press, press out, pressure, pretty pass, pretty pickle, pretty predicament, prize, pry loose from, pry out, public till, public trough, push, put pressure on, quagmire, quicksand, ram, ram down, refine, rend, rend from, render, repression, resistance, restraint, restriction, retardation, retardment, rip, rip from, scrape, screw, setback, shake, shake down, shut off, shut out, shut tight, slough, snatch from, soak, solidify, spoil, spoils, spoils of office, spot, squab, squash, squeak by, squeak through, squeeze shut, squeezing, squish, stealings, steep, stew, sticky wicket, stifle, stolen goods, stop up, strain the sense, strait, straits, strangle, stranglehold, strangulate, stricture, stuff, suffocate, suppression, swag, swamp, sweetheart, sweetie, take, tear, tear from, tight spot, tight squeeze, tighten, tightening, tightrope, till, torture, tricky spot, tweak, twist the words, unholy mess, urge, wad up, wedge, wrench, wrench from, wrest, wring, wring from, wring out