Synonyms and related words :
angle, base, bearings, blood, bracket, branch, cachet, caliber, capacity, case, caste, category, character, circumstance, clan, class, condition, consequence, dignity, distance, distinction, division, echelon, eminence, estate, face, fix, footing, grade, ground, group, grouping, head, heading, hierarchy, high place, importance, jam, kin, kudos, label, level, location, lot, merit, modality, mode, order, part, pass, perspective, pickle, pigeonhole, place, plight, position, post, posture, power structure, precedence, predicament, prestige, prominence, quality, race, rank, rate, rating, relation, renown, reputation, repute, role, rubric, seat, section, sept, set, significance, situation, sphere, spot, stage, stand, standing, state, state of affairs, station, stature, status quo, strain, stratum, subdivision, subgroup, suborder, title, venue, viewpoint, worth