Synonyms and related words :
Kilkenny cats, action, aerial combat, affray, agonize, aim, altercation, argument, armored combat, assay, attempt, battle, battle royal, be determined, be hard put, beat about, bickering, blunder, box, brawl, broil, brush, buffet, bullfight, careen, career, cat-and-dog life, clash, clash of arms, close, cockfight, collide, combat, come to blows, compete, competition, conflict, contend, contention, contentiousness, contest, contestation, controversy, cut and thrust, debate, determination, disputation, dispute, dogfight, drudgery, duel, effort, embroilment, encounter, endeavor, enmity, essay, exchange blows, exchange of blows, exertion, falter, fence, feud, fight, fight a duel, fighting, fire fight, flounce, flounder, fray, give and take, give satisfaction, grapple, grapple with, ground combat, grunt and sweat, hand-to-hand combat, hand-to-hand fight, hassle, have trouble, hostility, house-to-house combat, huff and puff, jostle, joust, labor, labor under difficulties, litigation, logomachy, lurch, match, mix it up, naval combat, offer, paper war, passage of arms, pitch, pitch and plunge, pitched battle, plunge, polemic, quarrel, quarreling, quarrelsomeness, rassle, reel, resolution, resolve, riot, rock, roll, rumble, run a tilt, running fight, scramble, scrapping, scrimmage, scuffle, seek, seethe, shoving match, skirmish, spar, squabbling, squirm, stagger, stand-up fight, strain, street fight, strife, strive, striving, struggling, study, stumble, sway, sweat, sweat blood, swing, tauromachy, thrash about, thrust and parry, tilt, toil, toss, toss and tumble, toss and turn, totter, tourney, travail, trial, try, tug-of-war, tumble, tussle, twist, undertake, undertaking, vie, wage war, walk on eggshells, wallop, wallow, war, war of words, warfare, welter, wiggle, words, work, worm, wrangling, wrestle, wriggle, writhe