Meaning of TABLE in English

Synonyms and related words :

Domesday Book, account, account book, address book, adjourn, adversaria, album, alkali flat, alluvial plain, ambo, annals, annual, appointment calendar, appointment schedule, bar, basin, bench, billiard table, blankbook, blotter, blueprint, board, bottomland, bowling green, bread, bread and butter, bring forward, bring up, brouillon, buffet, bushveld, calendar, campo, card index, cartoon, cashbook, catalog, catalogue, catalogue raisonne, census, champaign, champaign country, chart, cheer, chronicle, classified catalog, coastal plain, coat, coating, cocktail table, code, coffee table, collop, comestible, comestibles, commonplace book, conference table, console, constitute, contents, continue, copy, correspondence, counter, court calendar, covering, creature comfort, cuisine, cut, daily bread, daybook, dead flat, dead level, deal, deal table, decree, defer, delay, delineation, delta, desert, design, desk, desk calendar, diagram, diary, digest, diptych, disk, docket, documentation, down, downs, draft, drag out, drawing, dresser, dressing table, drop-leaf table, earth, eatables, ebauche, edibles, elevation, enact, enact laws, engagement book, entertainment, escritoire, esplanade, esquisse, extend, fare, fast food, feast, feed, fell, feuille, figure, filibuster, film, flap, flat, flat country, flatland, flats, floor, foil, fold, food, food and drink, foodstuff, get the floor, graph, grass veld, grassland, ground, ground plan, hang fire, hang up, have the floor, health food, heath, history, hold off, hold over, hold up, homaloid, horizontal, horizontal axis, horizontal fault, horizontal line, horizontal parallax, horizontal plane, horizontal projection, house plan, ichnography, index, ingesta, inventory, itemization, journal, junk food, kill, kitchen stuff, kitchen table, laboratory table, lamella, lamina, laminated glass, laminated wood, lampstand, lande, lap, lay aside, lay away, lay by, lay over, leaf, lectern, ledge, ledger, legislate, letters, level, level line, level plane, list, llano, lobby through, log, logbook, logroll, loose-leaf notebook, lowland, lowlands, lunar mare, mahogany, mare, meal, mean sea level, meat, membrane, memo book, memorandum book, memorial, memory book, mesa, mesilla, mess, moor, moorland, mothball, notebook, offer, open country, ordain, outline, pad, pampa, pampas, pane, panel, parterre, pass, patina, pattern, peel, pellicle, peneplain, petty cashbook, pigeonhole, pipe roll, plain, plains, plait, plan, plane, plank, plate, plateau, platform, plating, playa, plot, ply, plywood, pocket, pocket notebook, pocketbook, police blotter, postpone, prairie, precis, present, proffer, profile, projection, prolong, propose, prorogate, prorogue, protract, provender, provision, provisions, push aside, put aside, put away, put in force, put in mothballs, put off, put on ice, put through, railroad through, rasher, recess, record, recording, refection, refreshment, regalement, register, registry, relic, remains, repas, repast, reserve, roll, roll logs, rolls, roster, rota, rough, round table, safety glass, salt flat, salt marsh, salt pan, savanna, schema, scheme, scrapbook, scratch pad, scroll, scum, sea level, sea of grass, sebkha, secretaire, secretary, set aside, set by, sheet, shelve, shift off, side table, sideboard, sideline, skeleton, sketch, skin, slab, slat, sleep on, slice, spiral notebook, spread, stand, stand over, stave off, stay, steppe, store, stow, stretch out, submit, suspend, sustenance, table mountain, table of contents, table of organization, table the motion, tableland, tablet, taboret, tabulation, take a recess, take the floor, tea table, tea wagon, terrace, thumb index, token, trace, treat, tree veld, trestle table, triptych, tucker, tundra, turntable, upland, vega, veld, veneer, vestige, veto, viands, victuals, vittles, wafer, waive, water level, weald, wide-open spaces, wold, workbench, workbook, working drawing, worktable, writing table, writing tablet, yearbook, yield the floor|

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