Synonyms and related words :
a thing for, aberrancy, aberration, action, adulterate, affinity, afflict, agonize, ail, alloy, alter, alteration, anagnorisis, analysis, anamorphism, anamorphosis, angle, angle off, animus, approach, aptitude, aptness, architectonics, architecture, argument, aspect, asymmetry, atmosphere, background, balmy, barmy, batty, bear off, belie, bend, bent, bias, birthmark, bite, blackhead, bleb, blemish, blister, bonkers, bonus, bow, braid, brail, branching off, buckle, bulla, bully, bun, burlesque, burn, cable, camouflage, canker, caricature, cast, catastrophe, cavendish, chafe, change, character, characterization, chaw, cheapen, check, chew, chewing tobacco, chignon, cicatrix, cicatrize, circle, circuitousness, circulate, circumrotate, circumvolute, cirrus, coarsen, coerce, coil, color, coloring, comedo, complication, conatus, conduciveness, configuration, confound, constitution, construal, construction, contaminate, continuity, contort, contortion, contrivance, convulse, cord, corkscrew, corner, corrupt, crack, crank, crater, craze, crazy, crinkle, crook, crookedness, crotchet, crucify, crumple, cuckoo, cud, cue, curl, curlicue, curve, cut, cut plug, daft, debase, declination, decoration, deface, defacement, defect, defile, deflect, deflower, deform, deformation, deformity, degenerate, degrade, delight, denature, denouement, departure, deprave, desecrate, design, despoil, detorsion, detour, devalue, development, deviance, deviancy, deviate, deviation, device, deviousness, diathesis, diffract, diffuse, digression, discursion, disfiguration, disfigure, disfigurement, disguise, disperse, disposition, disproportion, distort, distortion, distress, divagate, divagation, divarication, diverge, divergence, diversion, divert, dogleg, double, dress up, drift, drifting, eagerness, eating tobacco, eccentric, eccentricity, effect, eidolon, embellish, embroider, enlace, entwine, episode, err, errantry, evolute, exaggerate, excruciate, excurse, excursion, excursus, exorbitation, extra, extra added attraction, extra dash, fable, facet, failing, falling action, falsification, falsify, fashion, fault, favoritism, feature, feeling for, fester, fid, figure, filigree, filling, fillip, flaw, flourish, foible, force, forejudgment, form, freckle, fret, frill, fudge, gall, garble, garbling, gestalt, gild, gimmick, give pain, gloss, gloss over, gnarl, gnaw, go adrift, go around, go astray, go round, grain, grate, grind, gripe, guise, gyrate, gyre, hairpin, harrow, helix, hemangioma, hickey, hurt, idiosyncrasy, image, imago, imbalance, impression, incident, inclination, incongruity, inconsistency, indirection, individualism, infect, inflame, inflict pain, influence, insane, interknit, interlace, interpretation, intertie, intertissue, intertwine, intertwist, interweave, intort, involute, irregularity, irritate, jaundice, jaundiced eye, keloid, kidney, kill by inches, kink, knit, knot, lace, lacerate, lagniappe, leaning, lentigo, liability, ligament, ligation, ligature, light, likeness, liking, line, lineaments, local color, look, loom, loop, lopsidedness, lurch, mad, make, makeup, manner, mar, martyr, martyrize, mask, mat, meander, mental set, mettle, milium, mind, mind-set, miscite, miscolor, misconstruction, misconstrue, misinterpret, misinterpretation, misquotation, misquote, misreport, misrepresent, misrepresentation, misstate, misstatement, misteach, mistranslate, mistranslation, misunderstand, misunderstanding, misuse, mold, mole, mood, motif, movement, mythos, nature, navy, navy plug, needle scar, net, nevus, nip, noose, nuts, nutty, oblique, obliquity, oddity, one-sidedness, ornament, overdraw, overstate, padding, pain, parody, partialism, partiality, partisanship, peculiarity, penchant, pererrate, pererration, peripeteia, persuade, perversion, pervert, phase, phasis, pierce, pigtail, pimple, pinch, pirouette, pit, pivot, plait, plan, pleach, plot, pock, pockmark, poison, pollute, port-wine mark, port-wine stain, preconception, predilection, predisposition, preference, prejudgment, prejudice, prejudice against, prejudice the issue, premium, prepossess, prepossession, pressure, prick, probability, proclivity, prolong the agony, proneness, propensity, prostitute, pull, pustule, put to torture, queue, quid, quirk, rack, raddle, ramble, rambling, rankle, rasp, rattail, ravage, ravish, readiness, recognition, reference, refract, regard, respect, revolve, rick, rift, ringlet, rising action, roll, rope, rotate, round, round the bend, rove, rub, scab, scallop, scar, scarify, scatter, scheme, scratch, screw, scroll, sebaceous cyst, secondary plot, seeming, semblance, sensitivity to, serpentine, set, shape, sheer, shift, shifting, shifting course, shifting path, side, simulacrum, skew, slant, slink, slue, snake, soft spot, something extra, spin, spiral, splice, split, sprain, spring, spun yarn, squirm, stab, stamp, sting, story, straggle, strain, strawberry mark, stray, straying, streak, string, stripe, structure, stuffing, sty, style, subject, subplot, superaddition, susceptibility, sway, sweep, swerve, swerving, swing, swinging, swirl, switch, swivel, tack, tail, taint, temper, temperament, tendency, tendon, tendril, thematic development, theme, thong, tissue, titivate, tobacco juice, tone, topic, topknot, torment, torsion, tortuosity, torture, total effect, track, travesty, treatment, trick, trick out, trimming, tropism, turn, turn a pirouette, turn around, turn awry, turn of mind, turn round, turning, tweak, twill, twine, twirl, twist and turn, type, ulcerate, understanding, understate, undetachment, undispassionateness, unsymmetry, variation, varnish, veer, verruca, version, vesicle, view, viewpoint, violate, vitiate, volute, volution, vortex, vulgarize, wale, wamble, wander, wandering, warp, wart, wattle, weakness, weal, weave, web, welt, wen, wheel, whirl, whitehead, whitewash, whorl, wiggle, willingness, wind, wire, wise, worm, wound, wreathe, wrench, wrest, wriggle, wring, wrinkle, writhe, yarn, yaw, zigzag