Synonyms and related words :
I, KP, abampere, abcoulomb, abfarad, abhenry, abohm, abvolt, ace, ampere, ampere-foot, ampere-hour, ampere-minute, an existence, army, army group, article, atom, atomic mass, atomic number, atomic weight, battalion, battery, battle group, being, body, brigade, cadre, carat, centigram, cohort, column, combat command, combat team, company, component, constituent, corps, coulomb, creature, critter, decagram, decigram, detachment, detail, division, dram, dram avoirdupois, dyne, element, entelechy, entity, farad, field army, field train, fighting force, file, firepower, flying column, force, forces, garrison, grain, gram, half-life, hands, henry, hundredweight, individual, integer, item, kilo, kilogram, kilovolt-ampere, kilowatt, kilowatt-hour, kitchen police, legion, life, maniple, mass, megacoulomb, megaton, megavolt, megawatt, megohm, men, mho, microhenry, micromho, micromicrofarad, microvolt, microwatt, milliampere, milligram, millihenry, millivolt, module, mole, monad, no other, none else, nothing else, nought beside, object, ohm, ohm-mile, one, one and only, organism, organization, ounce, ounce avoirdupois, ounce troy, outfit, part, pennyweight, person, persona, personality, personnel, phalanx, picofarad, piece, platoon, point, portion, posse, pound, pound avoirdupois, pound troy, poundal, quantum, rank, regiment, roentgen, scruple, section, segment, single, singleton, slug, something, soul, squad, squadron, statampere, statcoulomb, statfarad, statvolt, stone, tactical unit, task force, the big battalions, thing, ton, train, troop, troops, units, units of weight, valence, volt, volt-coulomb, volt-second, watt, watt-hour, weight, wing, work force