Synonyms and related words :
absurdity, aimlessness, annular muscle, annulus, apparent soundness, areola, aureole, bootlessness, casuistry, chain of circumstances, chain reaction, chaplet, chapter of accidents, circle, circuit, circularity, circumference, circus, closed circle, concatenation of events, corona, coronet, crown, cycle, diadem, discus, disingenuousness, disk, distortion, emptiness, equivocalness, equivocation, eternal return, evasive reasoning, fairy ring, fallaciousness, fallacy, fatuity, feast and famine, fecklessness, fruitlessness, futility, garland, glory, halo, hollowness, impotence, inanity, ineffectiveness, ineffectuality, inefficacy, ins and outs, insincerity, jesuitism, jesuitry, lasso, logical circle, loop, looplet, magic circle, meaninglessness, misapplication, mystification, noose, nugacity, obfuscation, obscurantism, orbit, otiosity, oversubtlety, perversion, philosophism, plausibility, plausibleness, pointlessness, profitlessness, purposelessness, radius, rat race, rationalization, ring, rondelle, round, roundel, saucer, sophism, sophistical reasoning, sophistication, sophistry, special pleading, speciosity, specious reasoning, speciousness, sphincter, subtlety, the absurd, triviality, unproductiveness, unprofitability, unprofitableness, ups and downs, valuelessness, vanity, vicious reasoning, vicissitudes, vicissitudes of fortune, wheel, worthlessness, wreath