Meaning of DETERMINE in English


1 discover the facts about sth


▪ exactly , precisely

We need a detailed investigation to ~ exactly why these cancers are occurring.

▪ reliably

▪ conclusively , definitively

▪ unambiguously

▪ objectively


▪ try to

▪ be used to , help to

Computer models help to ~ whether a particular area is likely to flood.

▪ be easy to , be possible to

▪ be difficult to , be impossible to

It is difficult to ~ the exact cause of the illness.

▪ be necessary to

▪ be able to

2 make sth happen in a particular way


▪ biologically , culturally , genetically

the debate about whether such attitudes are biologically or culturally ~d

▪ ultimately

a decision which would ultimately ~ the fate of the project

▪ directly

Reproductive success is directly ~d by attractiveness to the female.

▪ largely , mainly , primarily

▪ partly

▪ solely , uniquely

Determine is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ coroner , ↑ factor , ↑ inspection , ↑ researcher

Determine is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ cause , ↑ champion , ↑ compensation , ↑ composition , ↑ concentration , ↑ course , ↑ degree , ↑ density , ↑ destiny , ↑ diameter , ↑ direction , ↑ distance , ↑ distribution , ↑ duration , ↑ effect , ↑ effectiveness , ↑ efficiency , ↑ election , ↑ extent , ↑ fate , ↑ feasibility , ↑ frequency , ↑ future , ↑ guilt , ↑ height , ↑ identity , ↑ impact , ↑ incidence , ↑ influence , ↑ latitude , ↑ level , ↑ likelihood , ↑ limit , ↑ longitude , ↑ magnitude , ↑ meaning , ↑ merit , ↑ nature , ↑ number , ↑ outcome , ↑ percentage , ↑ policy , ↑ position , ↑ preference , ↑ priority , ↑ probability , ↑ quality , ↑ radioactivity , ↑ rate , ↑ ratio , ↑ relationship , ↑ rent , ↑ requirement , ↑ risk , ↑ role , ↑ scale , ↑ scope , ↑ severity , ↑ sex , ↑ shape , ↑ significance , ↑ size , ↑ status , ↑ success , ↑ suitability , ↑ threshold , ↑ type , ↑ usefulness , ↑ validity , ↑ value , ↑ viability , ↑ volume , ↑ wage , ↑ winner , ↑ worth

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .