də̇ˈtərmə̇n, dēˈ-, -tə̄m-, -təim- verb
( determined ; determined ; determining -m(ə̇)niŋ ; determines )
Etymology: Middle English determinen, from Middle French determiner, from Latin determinare to limit, determine, from de from, away + terminare to limit, from terminus limit, boundary — more at de- , term
transitive verb
a. : to fix conclusively or authoritatively
a council was set up to determine national policy
b. : to settle a question or controversy about : decide by judicial sentence
the court heard and determined the plea
c. : to come to a decision concerning as the result of investigation or reasoning
an attempt to determine the date of his death
d. : to settle or decide by choice of alternatives or possibilities
determine the list of guests to be invited
e. : to set up as a goal or purpose : resolve upon
when did Thoreau determine to become a man of letters — H.S.Canby
a. : to fix the form or character of beforehand : ordain , foreordain
b. : to establish causally : bring about as a result : regulate
demand determines the price
3. : to set bounds or limits to: as
a. : to fix the boundaries of
b. : to limit in extent or scope
c. : to put or set an end to : bring to a close : terminate
determine an estate
d. logic : to define or limit by adding a differentia
4. : to direct or control the end or course of: as
a. : to turn to a definite resolution or intention : cause to come to a decision
opposition only determined her further
b. : to give a definite direction, impetus, or bias to
what we notice determines what we do — William James
a. : to obtain definite and firsthand knowledge of as to character, location, magnitude, or quantity
determine the salt in sea water
b. : to discover the taxonomic position of (a plant or animal) : ascertain the generic and specific names of
6. embryology : to cause or elicit determination of
intransitive verb
1. : to come to a decision : resolve
the boy determined on becoming a painter
2. : to come to an end : expire or become void : end , terminate
membership in the order determines with the death of the sovereign
3. : to dispute a question or maintain a thesis as formerly required at some European universities of those completing the assumption of a bachelor's degree
4. obsolete : to have a course (as toward an end) : tend
Synonyms: see decide , discover