▪ large , substantial
▪ small
▪ full ( esp. BrE )
Full student maintenance ~s are a thing of the past. ( BrE )
▪ annual
▪ block , capital ( esp. BrE )
The school has received a large capital ~ to improve its buildings.
▪ maintenance ( BrE )
Poorer students would get maintenance ~s of up to £1 500 a year.
▪ emergency ( esp. BrE )
emergency ~s for special needs for items such as clothing
▪ discretionary
▪ mandatory ( BrE )
▪ educational , student
▪ project , research
There is a lot of competition for research ~s.
▪ improvement , land , renovation ( esp. BrE ), training , etc.
home improvement ~s for householders ( BrE )
▪ federal , government , local-authority ( BrE ), state , etc.
▪ apply for
▪ be eligible for , qualify for
You may be eligible for a student ~.
▪ get , obtain , receive
You can get a ~ if you've lived in the area for three years.
▪ award (sb) , give sb , make (sb) , offer (sb) , provide (sb with)
The government has awarded a ~ for the restoration of the building.
▪ be funded by , be funded with
The report was funded by a ~ from the Department.
▪ cut
The group's annual ~ from the Arts Council has been cut.
▪ ~ for
a ~ for a youth project
▪ ~ from
a ~ from the funding authority
▪ ~ to
The program offers ~s to small businesses.
▪ expressly , specifically
the rights expressly ~ed by the terms of the lease
▪ automatically
▪ finally
Planning permission was finally ~ed in October.
▪ rarely
▪ hereby ( law )
Permission is hereby ~ed to reproduce this material.
▪ agree to , decide to
▪ refuse to
The judge refused to ~ him bail.
▪ be willing to
Grant is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ authority , ↑ court , ↑ judge , ↑ magistrate
Grant is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ access , ↑ accolade , ↑ admission , ↑ allowance , ↑ amnesty , ↑ application , ↑ approval , ↑ assent , ↑ asylum , ↑ audience , ↑ authority , ↑ authorization , ↑ autonomy , ↑ award , ↑ bail , ↑ charter , ↑ citizenship , ↑ clearance , ↑ compensation , ↑ concession , ↑ consent , ↑ credit , ↑ custody , ↑ deference , ↑ degree , ↑ divorce , ↑ entry , ↑ exception , ↑ exemption , ↑ extension , ↑ favour , ↑ franchise , ↑ freedom , ↑ immortality , ↑ immunity , ↑ independence , ↑ indulgence , ↑ injunction , ↑ interview , ↑ jurisdiction , ↑ land , ↑ lease , ↑ leave , ↑ licence , ↑ loan , ↑ membership , ↑ mercy , ↑ monopoly , ↑ nationality , ↑ pardon , ↑ parole , ↑ patent , ↑ permission , ↑ permit , ↑ petition , ↑ political asylum , ↑ power , ↑ prayer , ↑ privilege , ↑ rebate , ↑ recognition , ↑ registration , ↑ release , ↑ relief , ↑ remedy , ↑ reprieve , ↑ request , ↑ right , ↑ sovereignty , ↑ subsidy , ↑ tenancy , ↑ tenure , ↑ visa , ↑ warrant , ↑ wish , ↑ writ