v. 1 show, exhibit, air, put or set forth, make visible, expose, evince, manifest, demonstrate, betray, reveal, unveil, disclose; advertise, publicize Her paintings are being displayed at the gallery today 2 unfurl, unfold, spread or stretch or open out, present The ship suddenly displayed the Jolly Roger 3 show off, flaunt, parade, flourish, vaunt, Colloq flash He goes on those quiz programmes only to display his knowledge
n. 4 show, exhibition, exhibit, presentation, array; demonstration; exposition, manifestation, revelation We visited a display of weapons at the armoury I have seldom seen such a display of ignorance. 5 ostentation, spectacle, flourish, show, parade, ceremony, pageantry, pageant, splendour, array, panoply, magnificence, grandeur, pomp, splash, éclat, élan, dash The display put on for Queen Victoria's jubilee was truly lavish