Meaning of LEAP in English

n. 1 spring, bound, jump, vault (into); hurdle, clear, hop over, skip over, negotiate He leapt into the saddle Superman leaps tall buildings at a single bound. 2 jump, cavort, gambol, dance, frisk, caper, frolic, romp, prance, curvet He leapt for joy at the news that he had won first prize 3 jump, rush, hasten, form hastily, accept (prematurely or without question) The speaker kept leaping from one subject to another Don't leap to conclusions about her strange behaviour. 4 leap at. jump at, accept, be eager for, move quickly, take I leapt at the chance to apply for a scholarship

n. 5 spring, bound, jump, vault, hurdle, hop, skip With one leap I was on the other side 6 jump, increase, (up)surge, rise, upswing, growth, escalation The figures show a leap in inflation for the month 7 by leaps and bounds. rapidly, quickly, swiftly, speedily The plans for the new theatre are progressing by leaps and bounds

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