v. & n.
--v. (past and past part. leaped or leapt)
1. intr. jump or spring forcefully.
2 tr. jump across.
3 intr. (of prices etc.) increase dramatically.
--n. a forceful jump.
Phrases and idioms:
by leaps and bounds with startlingly rapid progress. leap in the dark a daring step or enterprise whose consequences are unpredictable. leap to the eye be immediately apparent. leap year a year, occurring once in four, with 366 days (including 29th Feb. as an intercalary day).
leaper n.
Etymology: OE hlyp, hleapan f. Gmc: leap year prob. refers to the fact that feast-days after Feb. in such a year fall two days later (instead of the normal one day later) than in the previous year