Meaning of RING in English

v. 1 peal, chime, toll, knell, tintinnabulate, ding-dong, gong, sound, resonate, resound, echo, re-echo, reverberate; clang, jangle; tinkle, clink, jingle, ding-a-ling, ring-a-ding-ding, Archaic or dialect knoll The bells rang out their joyous announcement of peace on earth 2 telephone, ring up, phone, call, give (someone) a ring, Colloq (give (someone) a) buzz, give (someone) a tinkle, get (someone) on the blower or horn, US (give (someone) a) jingle I'll ring you when I am next in town

n. 3 ringing, peal, pealing, chime, chiming, toll, tolling, tintinnabulation, knell, sounding, resonating, echo, echoing, re-echo, re-echoing, reverberation, reverberating; clang, clanging, jangle, jangling; tinkle, tinkling, clink, clinking, jingle, jingling, ding-a-ling, ring-a-ding-ding, Archaic or dialect knoll I couldn't hear the ring at the door because the water was running 4 (telephone or phone) call, Colloq buzz, tinkle, US jingle Don't forget to give your mother a ring on Sunday

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