Meaning of STEW in English

n. 1 gallimaufry, goulash, salmagundi, hash, mess, olla podrida, olio, mixture, mishmash, Brit hotchpotch, US also hodgepodge His book is a stew of many different opinions, none of them his own 2 state of excitement or alarm or anxiety, dither, pother, bother, lather, sweat, Colloq tizzy, state She really worked herself up into a stew over the boy Paula is engaged to

v. 3 simmer, seethe, agonize, fret, dither, chafe, burn, smoulder, Colloq get steamed (up) (over or about), work (oneself) (up) into a sweat or lather or state (over) Paula's father is all stewed up over her leaving school to get married

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