n. 1 screen, partition, divider, enclosure, separator, bulkhead, barrier, obstruction, obstacle, impediment, block, fence Marcie built round herself a wall of resentment which no one could penetrate 2 barricade, fortification, protection, bulwark, breastwork, embankment, rampart, palisade, stockade It was questionable whether the walls would withstand the cannon-balls 3 drive up the wall. drive crazy or insane or mad, madden, exasperate, derange, try, irritate, infuriate, enrage The constant caterwauling from the next flat is driving me up the wall 4 go to the wall. fail, collapse, be ruined, face ruin, go bankrupt, lose everything, Colloq go broke, go under, fold (up), Slang go bust Unicold went to the wall because of increased costs and decreased sales
v. 5 Often, wall up or off. enclose, partition (off), close (off), brick up, immure A bricklayer was hired to wall up the openings where the windows had been