v. 1 advance, proceed, move, go, wend, go or make (one's) way by foot, tread, step, perambulate, stalk, stride, tramp, stroll, amble, ramble, ambulate, shamble, pad, shuffle, saunter, trudge, trek, plod, slog, hike, parade, promenade, strut, swagger, prance, march, goose-step, pace, trip, sidle, tiptoe, sashay, flounce, stagger, lurch, limp, waddle, stamp, mince, slink, steal, prowl, skulk, sneak, creep, Colloq go by or ride by shanks's or shanks' mare or pony, hoof it, foot it, traipse, pussyfoot, Slang US boogie Guthrie certainly has a peculiar way of walking 2 take, convoy, accompany, escort, go with; conduct, lead; empty Let me walk you to the station I have to walk the dog twice a day. 3 patrol, trace out, stalk, cover, haunt, prowl, wander, roam, rove or range about in or on, frequent Her mother could not understand why Maizie walked the streets nightly 4 walk out. a leave, depart, desert; walk out on She just walked out and no one has seen her since b strike, go (out) on strike, protest, take industrial action, Brit down tools Negotiations reached an impasse, so the employees walked out
n. 5 path, lane, pathway, pavement, footpath, promenade, esplanade, boardwalk, Brit footway, US sidewalk We strolled along the pleasant walks that lead through the park 6 gait, step, carriage, bearing, stride He had great fun imitating Groucho Marx's slinky walk 7 constitutional, stroll, amble; slog, tramp, hike Lettie likes to take a walk in the park after dinner We had a five-day walk through the jungle before reaching civilization.