I. ˈwȯk verb
Etymology: partly from Middle English walken (past welk, past participle walken ), from Old English wealcan to roll, toss, journey about (past weolc, past participle wealcen ) and partly from Middle English walkien (past walked, past participle walked ), from Old English wealcian to roll up, muffle up; akin to Middle Dutch walken to knead, press, full
Date: before 12th century
intransitive verb
a. obsolete : roam , wander
b. of a spirit : to move about in visible form : appear
c. of a ship : to make headway
a. : to move along on foot : advance by steps
b. : to come or go easily or readily
c. : to go on foot for exercise or pleasure
d. : to go at a walk
a. : to pursue a course of action or way of life : conduct oneself : behave
walk warily
b. : to be or act in association : continue in union
the British and American peoples will… walk together side by side…in peace — Sir Winston Churchill
c. : walk out
walk ed over problems with management
4. : to go to first base as a result of a base on balls
5. of an inanimate object
a. : to move in a manner that is suggestive of walking
b. : to stand with an appearance suggestive of strides
pylons walk ing across the valley
6. of an astronautical : to move about in space outside a spacecraft
7. : to avoid criminal prosecution or conviction
walk ed on a technicality
transitive verb
a. : to pass on foot or as if on foot through, along, over, or upon : traverse , perambulate
walk the streets
walk a tightrope
b. : to perform or accomplish by going on foot
walk guard
a. : to cause (an animal) to go at a walk : take for a walk
walk ing a dog
(1) : to cause to move by walking
walk ed her bicycle up the hill
(2) : to haul (as an anchor) by walking round the capstan
3. : to follow on foot for the purpose of measuring, surveying, or inspecting
walk a boundary
a. : to accompany on foot : walk with
walk ed her home
b. : to compel to walk (as by a command)
c. : to bring to a specified condition by walking
walk ed us off our feet
5. : to move (an object) in a manner suggestive of walking
6. : to perform (a dance) at a walking pace
walk a quadrille
7. : to give a base on balls to
- walk away from
- walk off with
- walk on
- walk on eggshells
- walk over
- walk the plank
- walk through
II. noun
Date: 14th century
a. : an act or instance of going on foot especially for exercise or pleasure
go for a walk
b. : space walk
2. : an accustomed place of walking : haunt
3. : a place designed for walking:
a. : a railed platform above the roof of a dwelling house
(1) : a path specially arranged or paved for walking
(2) : sidewalk
c. : a public avenue for promenading : promenade
d. : ropewalk
4. : a place or area of land in which animals feed and exercise with minimal restraint
5. : distance to be walked
a quarter mile walk from here
6. British : a ceremonial procession
7. : manner of living : conduct , behavior
a. : the gait of a biped in which the feet are lifted alternately with one foot not clear of the ground before the other touches
b. : the gait of a quadruped in which there are always at least two feet on the ground ; specifically : a 4-beat gait of a horse in which the feet strike the ground in the sequence near hind, near fore, off hind, off fore
c. : a low rate of speed
the shortage of raw materials slowed production to a walk
9. : a route regularly traversed by a person in the performance of a particular activity (as patrolling, begging, or vending)
10. : characteristic manner of walking
his walk is just like his father's
a. : social or economic status
all walk s of life
(1) : range or sphere of action : field , province
(2) : vocation
12. : base on balls
13. : an easy victory
won in a walk
- walk in the park