Function: noun
Date: 14th century
1 a : an act or instance of going on foot especially for exercise or pleasure <go for a walk > b : SPACE WALK
2 : an accustomed place of walking : HAUNT
3 : a place designed for walking: a : a railed platform above the roof of a dwelling house b (1) : a path specially arranged or paved for walking (2) : SIDEWALK c : a public avenue for promenading : PROMENADE d : ROPEWALK
4 : a place or area of land in which animals feed and exercise with minimal restraint
5 : distance to be walked <a quarter mile walk from here>
6 British : a ceremonial procession
7 : manner of living : CONDUCT , BEHAVIOR
8 a : the gait of a biped in which the feet are lifted alternately with one foot not clear of the ground before the other touches b : the gait of a quadruped in which there are always at least two feet on the ground specifically : a 4-beat gait of a horse in which the feet strike the ground in the sequence near hind, near fore, off hind, off fore c : a low rate of speed <the shortage of raw materials slowed production to a walk >
9 : a route regularly traversed by a person in the performance of a particular activity (as patrolling, begging, or vending)
10 : characteristic manner of walking <his walk is just like his father's>
11 a : social or economic status <all walk s of life> b (1) : range or sphere of action : FIELD , PROVINCE (2) : VOCATION
13 : an easy victory <won in a walk >
– walk in the park : an easy or pleasurable experience : PICNIC