Meaning of BEND in English

1. v. & n.

--v. (past bent; past part. bent exc. in bended knee)

1. a tr. force or adapt (something straight) into a curve or angle. b intr. (of an object) be altered in this way.

2 intr. move or stretch in a curved course (the road bends to the left).

3 intr. & tr. (often foll. by down, over, etc.) incline or cause to incline from the vertical (bent down to pick it up).

4 tr. interpret or modify (a rule) to suit oneself.

5 tr. & refl. (foll. by to, on) direct or devote (oneself or one's attention, energies, etc.).

6 tr. turn (one's steps or eyes) in a new direction.

7 tr. (in passive; foll. by on) have firmly decided; be determined (was bent on selling; on pleasure bent).

8 a intr. stoop or submit (bent before his master). b tr. force to submit.

9 tr. Naut. attach (a sail or cable) with a knot.


1. a curve in a road or other course.

2 a departure from a straight course.

3 a bent part of anything.

4 (in pl.; prec. by the) colloq. sickness due to too rapid decompression underwater.

Phrases and idioms:

bend over backwards see BACKWARDS. round the bend colloq. crazy, insane.


bendable adj.

Etymology: OE bendan f. Gmc 2. n.1 Naut. any of various knots for tying ropes (fisherman's bend).

2 Heraldry a a diagonal stripe from top right to bottom left of a shield. b (bend sinister) a diagonal stripe from top left to bottom right, as a sign of bastardy.

Etymology: OE bend band, bond f. Gmc

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.