n. (also Brit. connexion)
1. a the act of connecting; the state of being connected. b an instance of this.
2 the point at which two things are connected (broke at the connection).
3 a a thing or person that connects; a link (a radio formed the only connection with the outside world; cannot see the connection between the two ideas). b a telephone link (got a bad connection).
4 arrangement or opportunity for catching a connecting train etc.; the train etc. itself (missed the connection).
5 Electr. a the linking up of an electric current by contact. b a device for effecting this.
6 (often in pl.) a relative or associate, esp. one with influence (has connections in the Home Office; heard it through a business connection).
7 a relation of ideas; a context (in this connection I have to disagree).
8 sl. a supplier of narcotics.
9 a religious body, esp. Methodist.
Phrases and idioms:
in connection with with reference to. in this (or that) connection with reference to this (or that).
connectional adj.
Etymology: L connexio (as connect): spelling -ct- after connect