n. & v.
1. a bag of cloth etc. stuffed with a mass of soft material, used as a soft support for sitting or leaning on etc.
2 a means of protection against shock.
3 the elastic lining of the sides of a billiard-table, from which the ball rebounds.
4 a body of air supporting a hovercraft etc.
5 the frog of a horse's hoof.
1. provide or protect with a cushion or cushions.
2 provide with a defence; protect.
3 mitigate the adverse effects of (cushioned the blow).
4 quietly suppress.
5 place or bounce (the ball) against the cushion in billiards.
cushiony adj.
Etymology: ME f. OF co(i)ssin, cu(i)ssin f. Gallo-Roman f. L culcita mattress, cushion