v. & n.
--v. (flapped, flapping)
1. a tr. move (wings, the arms, etc.) up and down when flying, or as if flying. b intr. (of wings, the arms, etc.) move up and down; beat.
2 intr. colloq. be agitated or panicky.
3 intr. (esp. of curtains, loose cloth, etc.) swing or sway about; flutter.
4 tr. (usu. foll. by away, off) strike (flies etc.) with something broad; drive.
5 intr. colloq. (of ears) listen intently.
1. a piece of cloth, wood, paper, etc. hinged or attached by one side only and often used to cover a gap, e.g. a pocket-cover, the folded part of an envelope, a table-leaf.
2 one up-and-down motion of a wing, an arm, etc.
3 colloq. a state of agitation; panic (don't get into a flap).
4 a hinged or sliding section of a wing used to control lift; an aileron.
5 a light blow with something broad.
6 an open mushroom-top.
flappy adj.
Etymology: ME, prob. imit.