adj. & v.
--adj. (idler, idlest)
1. lazy, indolent.
2 not in use; not working; unemployed.
3 (of time etc.) unoccupied.
4 having no special basis or purpose (idle rumour; idle curiosity).
5 useless.
6 (of an action, thought, or word) ineffective, worthless, vain.
1. a intr. (of an engine) run slowly without doing any work. b tr. cause (an engine) to idle.
2 intr. be idle.
3 tr. (foll. by away) pass (time etc.) in idleness.
Phrases and idioms:
idle wheel an intermediate wheel between two geared wheels, esp. to allow them to rotate in the same direction.
idleness n. idly adv.
Etymology: OE idel empty, useless