Meaning of INTERIOR in English

adj. & n.


1. inner (opp. EXTERIOR).

2 remote from the coast or frontier; inland.

3 internal; domestic (opp. FOREIGN).

4 (usu. foll. by to) situated further in or within.

5 existing in the mind or soul; inward.

6 drawn, photographed, etc. within a building.

7 coming from inside.


1. the interior part; the inside.

2 the interior part of a country or region.

3 a the home affairs of a country. b a department dealing with these (Minister of the Interior).

4 a representation of the inside of a building or a room (Dutch interior).

5 the inner nature; the soul.

Phrases and idioms:

interior angle the angle between adjacent sides of a rectilinear figure. interior decoration (or design) the decoration or design of the interior of a building, a room, etc. interior monologue a form of writing expressing a character's inner thoughts. interior-sprung (of a mattress etc.) with internal springs.


interiorize (also -ise). interiorly adv.

Etymology: L, compar. f. inter among

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