1. n. & v.
1. (in full quicklime) a white caustic alkaline substance (calcium oxide) obtained by heating limestone and used for making mortar or as a fertilizer or bleach etc.
1. treat (wood, skins, land, etc.) with lime.
2 archaic catch (a bird etc.) with birdlime.
Phrases and idioms:
lime water an aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide used esp. to detect the presence of carbon dioxide.
limeless adj. limy adj. (limier, limiest).
Etymology: OE lim f. Gmc, rel. to LOAM 2. n.1 a a round citrus fruit like a lemon but greener, smaller, and more acid. b the tree, Citrus aurantifolia, bearing this.
2 (in full lime-juice) the juice of limes as a drink and formerly esp. as a cure for scurvy.
3 (in full lime-green) a pale green colour like a lime.
Etymology: F f. mod.Prov. limo, Sp. lima f. Arab. lima: cf. LEMON 3. n.1 (in full lime-tree) any ornamental tree of the genus Tilia, esp. T. europaea with heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellow blossom. Also called LINDEN.
2 the wood of this.
Etymology: alt. of line OE lind LINDEN