1. n. & v.
1. a long slender rounded piece of wood or metal, esp. with the end placed in the ground as a support etc.
2 a wooden shaft fitted to the front of a vehicle and attached to the yokes or collars of the draught animals.
3 PERCH(1).
1. provide with poles.
2 (usu. foll. by off) push off (a punt etc.) with a pole.
Phrases and idioms:
pole position the most favourable position at the start of a motor race (orig. next to the inside boundary-fence). pole-vault (or -jump) n. the athletic sport of vaulting over a high bar with the aid of a long flexible pole held in the hands and giving extra spring.
--v.intr. take part in this sport. pole-vaulter a person who pole-vaults. under bare poles Naut. with no sail set. up the pole sl.
1. crazy, eccentric.
2 in difficulty.
Etymology: OE pal ult. f. L palus stake 2. n.1 (in full north pole, south pole) a each of the two points in the celestial sphere about which the stars appear to revolve. b each of the extremities of the axis of rotation of the earth or another body. c see magnetic pole.
The spelling is North Pole and South Pole when used as geographical designations.
2 each of the two opposite points on the surface of a magnet at which magnetic forces are strongest.
3 each of two terminals (positive and negative) of an electric cell or battery etc.
4 each of two opposed principles or ideas.
5 Geom. each of two points in which the axis of a circle cuts the surface of a sphere.
6 a fixed point to which others are referred.
7 Biol. an extremity of the main axis of any spherical or oval organ.
Phrases and idioms:
be poles apart differ greatly, esp. in nature or opinion.
poleward adj. polewards adj. & adv.
Etymology: ME f. L polus f. Gk polos pivot, axis, sky