1. adj. & v.
1. a having experience and knowledge and judiciously applying them. b (of an action, behaviour, etc.) determined by or showing or in harmony with such experience and knowledge.
2 sagacious, prudent, sensible, discreet.
3 having knowledge.
4 suggestive of wisdom (with a wise nod of the head).
5 US colloq. a alert, crafty. b (often foll. by to) having (usu. confidential) information (about).
--v.tr. & intr. (foll. by up) esp. US colloq. put or get wise.
Phrases and idioms:
be (or get) wise to colloq. become aware of. no (or none the or not much) wiser knowing no more than before. put a person wise (often foll. by to) colloq. inform a person (about). wise after the event able to understand and assess an event or circumstance after its implications have become obvious. wise guy colloq. a know-all. wise man a wizard, esp. one of the Magi. wise saw a proverbial saying. without anyone's being the wiser undetected.
wisely adv.
Etymology: OE wis f. Gmc: see WIT(2) 2. n. archaic way, manner, or degree (in solemn wise; on this wise).
Phrases and idioms:
in no wise not at all.
Etymology: OE wise f. Gmc f. WIT(2)