{v.} 1. To examine or think about carefully; search. * /I went through the papers looking for Jane's letter./ * /Mother went through the drawer looking for the sweater./ Syn.: GO OVER. 2. To experience; suffer; live through. * /Frank went through many dangers during the war./ 3. To do what you are supposed to do; do what you promised. * /I went through my part of the bargain, but you didn't go through your part./ Syn.: CARRY OUT. 4. To go or continue to the end of; do or use all of. * /Jack went through the magazine quickly./ * /We went through all our money at the circus./ Syn.: RUN THROUGH. 5. To be allowed; pass; be agreed on. * /I hope the new law we want goes through Congress./ * /The sale of the store went through quickly./
Meaning of GO THROUGH in English
Slang English vocab. Английский сленговый словарь. 2012