Meaning of GO in English

noun a glass of spirits.

2. go ·noun act; working; operation.

3. go ·p.p. gone.

4. go ·noun noisy merriment; as, a high go.

5. go ·noun the fashion or mode; as, quite the go.

6. go ·vt to bet or wager; as, i'll go you a shilling.

7. go ·noun a circumstance or occurrence; an incident.

8. go ·vi to have recourse; to resort; as, to go to law.

9. go ·vi to be with young; to be pregnant; to gestate.

10. go ·vi to apply one's self; to set one's self; to undertake.

11. go ·noun power of going or doing; energy; vitality; perseverance; push; as, there is no go in him.

12. go ·vt to take, as a share in an enterprise; to undertake or become responsible for; to bear a part in.

13. go ·vi to move upon the feet, or step by step; to walk; also, to walk step by step, or leisurely.

14. go ·vi to proceed by a mental operation; to pass in mind or by an act of the memory or imagination;

— generally with over or through.

15. go ·add. ·noun something that goes or is successful; a success; as, he made a go of it; also, an agreement.

xvi. go ·noun that condition in the course of the game when a player can not lay down a card which will not carry the aggregate count above thirty-one.

xvii. go ·vi to be passed on fron one to another; to pass; to circulate; hence, with for, to have currency; to be taken, accepted, or regarded.

xviii. go ·vi to pass away; to depart forever; to be lost or ruined; to perish; to decline; to decease; to die.

xix. go ·vi to reach; to extend; to lead; as, a line goes across the street; his land goes to the river; this road goes to new york.

xx. go ·vi to proceed or happen in a given manner; to fare; to move on or be carried on; to have course; to come to an issue or result; to succeed; to turn out.

xxi. go ·vi to move from the person speaking, or from the point whence the action is contemplated; to pass away; to leave; to depart;

— in opposition to stay and come.

xxii. go ·vi to proceed or tend toward a result, consequence, or product; to tend; to conduce; to be an ingredient; to avail; to apply; to contribute;

— often with the infinitive; as, this goes to show.

xxiii. go ·vi to pass from one place to another; to be in motion; to be in a state not motionless or at rest; to proceed; to advance; to make progress;

— used, in various applications, of the movement of both animate and inanimate beings, by whatever means, and also of the movements of the mind; also figuratively applied.

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