Meaning of CAPTURE in English

transcription, транскрипция: [ ˈkæptʃə ]

noun and verb (Science and Technology) noun: The process of transferring information from a written, paper format to machine-readable form (on a computer). Known more fully as data capture. transitive verb: To convert (data) in this way, using any of several means (such as punched tape, keyboarding, optical character readers, etc.). Etymology: The noun and verb arose at about the same time, probably through specialization of a figurative sense of the verb to capture meaning 'to catch or record something elusive, to portray in permanent form' (as, for example, a likeness might be captured in a painting or photograph). History and Usage: A technical term in computing from the early seventies onwards, capture entered the more general language in the eighties and became one of the vogue words in journalistic articles about any computerization project and in advertising copy for even minimally computerized products. About 70% of all data captured is reentered at some future point. ABA Banking Journal Dec. 1989, p. 74 Unmatched range of edit/capture facilities simply not offered by other scanners at this unbeatable price. CU Amiga Apr. 1990, p. 68

English colloquial dictionary, new words.      Английский разговорный словарь - новые слова.