The range that corresponds to the situation in which a radar transmitter is on and hence the receiver must be off, so that the radar transmitted signal does not saturate, i.e., does not blind, its own receiver. Note: Radar blind ranges occur because there is a time interval between transmitted pulses that corresponds to the time required for a pulse to propagate to the object, i.e. , to the target, and its reflection to travel back. This causes an attempt to measure the range just as the radar transmitter is transmitting the next pulse. However, the receiver is off, therefore this particular range cannot be measured. The width of the range value that cannot be measured depends on the duration of the time that the radar receiver is off, which depends on the duration of the transmitted pulse. The return-time interval could be coincident with the very next radar -transmitted pulse , i.e., the first pulse following a transmitted pulse, or the second, or the third, and so on, giving rise to a succession of blind ranges. The blind ranges are given by r m = ( m c)/(2 fn ), where r m is the blind range for a given value of m , m is a positive integer that indicates which of the blind ranges is being determined, c is the velocity of electromagnetic wave propagation in vacuum (approximately 3 × 10 8 m/s), f is the radar pulse repetition rate , and n is the refractive index of the transmission medium (nearly 1 for air). The radar blind range is independent of the radar radio frequency (rf) of the radar pulse. [ From Weik '89 ]
Meaning of RADAR BLIND RANGE in English
Telecommunication standard terms English vocab. Английский словарь стандартных телекоммуникационных терминов. 2012