v the footprint of a hare.
2. prick ·noun to render acid or pungent.
3. prick ·vi to aim at a point or mark.
4. prick ·noun to nick.
5. prick ·v a mark denoting degree; degree; pitch.
6. prick ·vi to spur onward; to ride on horseback.
7. prick ·noun to trace on a chart, as a ship's course.
8. prick ·v a point or mark on the dial, noting the hour.
9. prick ·vi to become sharp or acid; to turn sour, as wine.
10. prick ·noun to run a middle seam through, as the cloth of a sail.
11. prick ·noun to affect with sharp pain; to sting, as with remorse.
12. prick ·v a mark made by a pointed instrument; a puncture; a point.
13. prick ·v a small roll; as, a prick of spun yarn; a prick of tobacco.
14. prick ·noun to drive a nail into (a horse's foot), so as to cause lameness.
15. prick ·v the point on a target at which an archer aims; the mark; the pin.
xvi. prick ·v a mathematical point;
regularly used in old english translations of euclid.
xvii. prick ·noun to dress; to prink;
usually with up.
xviii. prick ·noun to fix by the point; to attach or hang by puncturing; as, to prick a knife into a board.
xix. prick ·vi to be punctured; to suffer or feel a sharp pain, as by puncture; as, a sore finger pricks.
xx. prick ·v the act of pricking, or the sensation of being pricked; a sharp, stinging pain; figuratively, remorse.
xxi. prick ·v that which pricks, penetrates, or punctures; a sharp and slender thing; a pointed instrument; a goad; a spur, ·etc.; a point; a skewer.
xxii. prick ·noun to mark or denote by a puncture; to designate by pricking; to choose; to mark;
sometimes with off.
xxiii. prick ·noun to ride or guide with spurs; to spur; to goad; to incite; to urge on;
sometimes with on, or off.
xxiv. prick ·noun to mark the outline of by puncturing; to trace or form by pricking; to mark by punctured dots; as, to prick a pattern for embroidery; to prick the notes of a musical composition.
xxv. prick ·noun to pierce slightly with a sharp-pointed instrument or substance; to make a puncture in, or to make by puncturing; to drive a fine point into; as, to prick one with a pin, needle, ·etc.; to prick a card; to prick holes in paper.
xxvi. prick ·noun to make sharp; to erect into a point; to raise, as something pointed;
said especially of the ears of an animal, as a horse or dog; and usually followed by up;
hence, to prick up the ears, to listen sharply; to have the attention and interest strongly engaged.