Meaning of SLUMP in English

noun a boggy place.

2. slump ·noun the gross amount; the mass; the lump.

3. slump ·vt to lump; to throw into a mess.

4. slump ·noun the noise made by anything falling into a hole, or into a soft, miry place.

5. slump ·add. ·vi to undergo a slump, or sudden decline or falling off; as, the stock slumped ten points.

6. slump ·add. ·noun a falling or declining, ·esp. suddenly and markedly; a falling off; as, a slump in trade, in prices, ·etc.

7. slump ·add. ·vi to slide or slip on a declivity, so that the motion is perceptible;

— said of masses of earth or rock.

8. slump ·vi to fall or sink suddenly through or in, when walking on a surface, as on thawing snow or ice, partly frozen ground, a bog, ·etc., not strong enough to bear the person.

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