vt to make little or less.
2. small ·adv not loudly; faintly; timidly.
3. small ·noun smallclothes.
4. small ·noun ·same·as little go. ·see under little, ·adj.
5. small ·superl weak; slender; fine; gentle; soft; not loud.
6. small ·adv in or to small extent, quantity, or degree; little; slightly.
7. small ·noun the small or slender part of a thing; as, the small of the leg or of the back.
8. small ·superl not prolonged in duration; not extended in time; short; as, after a small space.
9. small ·superl envincing little worth or ability; not large-minded;
sometimes, in reproach, paltry; mean.
10. small ·superl being of slight consequence; feeble in influence or importance; unimportant; trivial; insignificant; as, a small fault; a small business.
11. small ·superl having little size, compared with other things of the same kind; little in quantity or degree; diminutive; not large or extended in dimension; not great; not much; inconsiderable; as, a small man; a small river.