adj accumulated; hoarded.
2. store ·vt any place where goods are sold, whether by wholesale or retail; a shop.
3. store ·vt to collect as a reserved supply; to accumulate; to lay away.
4. store ·vt a place of deposit for goods, ·esp. for large quantities; a storehouse; a warehouse; a magazine.
5. store ·vt to deposit in a store, warehouse, or other building, for preservation; to warehouse; as, to store goods.
6. store ·vt that which is accumulated, or massed together; a source from which supplies may be drawn; hence, an abundance; a great quantity, or a great number.
7. store ·vt to furnish; to supply; to replenish; ·esp., to stock or furnish against a future time.
8. store ·vt articles, especially of food, accumulated for some specific object; supplies, as of provisions, arms, ammunition, and the like; as, the stores of an army, of a ship, of a family.