adj valuable; of worthy; estimable; also, worth while.
2. worth ·adj deserving of;
in a good or bad sense, but chiefly in a good sense.
3. worth ·adj having possessions equal to; having wealth or estate to the value of.
4. worth ·adj equal in value to; furnishing an equivalent for; proper to be exchanged for.
5. worth ·adj value in respect of moral or personal qualities; excellence; virtue; eminence; desert; merit; usefulness; as, a man or magistrate of great worth.
6. worth ·adj that quality of a thing which renders it valuable or useful; sum of valuable qualities which render anything useful and sought; value; hence, often, value as expressed in a standard, as money; equivalent in exchange; price.
7. worth ·vi to be; to become; to betide;
now used only in the phrases, woe worth the day, woe worth the man, ·etc., in which the verb is in the ·imv, and the nouns day, man, ·etc., are in the dative. woe be to the day, woe be to the man, ·etc., are equivalent phrases.