worth 1
/werrth/ , prep.
1. good or important enough to justify (what is specified): advice worth taking; a place worth visiting.
2. having a value of, or equal in value to, as in money: This vase is worth 12 dollars.
3. having property to the value or amount of: They are worth millions.
4. excellence of character or quality as commanding esteem: women of worth.
5. usefulness or importance, as to the world, to a person, or for a purpose: Your worth to the world is inestimable.
6. value, as in money.
7. a quantity of something of a specified value: ten cents' worth of candy.
8. wealth; riches; property or possessions: net worth.
9. for all one is worth , Informal. to the utmost: He ran for all he was worth.
[ bef. 900; ME; OE weorth, wurth; c. OHG werd (G wert ), ON verthr, Goth wairths ]
Syn. 4. See merit. 6. See value .
worth 2
/werrth/ , v.i. Archaic.
to happen or betide: woe worth the day.
[ bef. 900; ME worthen, OE wurthan, weorthan; c. G werden, ON vertha, Goth wairthan to become, L vertere to turn (see VERSE) ]