əˈnaləsə̇s noun
( plural analy·ses -əˌsēz)
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from analyein to dissolve (from ana- + lyein to loosen, dissolve) + -sis — more at lose
1. : separation or breaking up of a whole into its fundamental elements or component parts
his problem defied analysis
a. : a detailed examination of anything complex (as a novel, an organization, a race) made in order to understand its nature or to determine its essential features : a thorough study
the analysis … of the structure of a poem can be a form of literary criticism — James Thorpe
b. : the presentation, usually in writing, of such an analysis
each chapter of the book is an analysis of a well-known painting
3. : the use of function words (as prepositions, pronouns, and auxiliary verbs) instead of inflectional forms as a highly frequent and characteristic device in the structure of a language (as English I have seen contrasted with Latin vidi or English of the room tending to replace the room's or does he know that? replacing knows he that? ) — contrasted with synthesis
a. : the separation of compound substances into their constituents by chemical processes
b. : the determination, which may or may not involve actual separation, of one or more ingredients of a substance either as to kind or amount ; also : the tabulated result of such a determination — see gravimetric analysis , proximate analysis , qualitative analysis , quantitative analysis , ultimate analysis
c. : a statement of the amount or percent of each functional ingredient present in a mixture (as a vitamin solution or an animal feed) ; often : a statement of the percentage of nitrogen expressed as N, phosphoric acid as P 2 O 5 , and potash as K 2 O in a fertilizer — called also fertilizer analysis, fertilizer grade
a. : the practice of proving a mathematical proposition by assuming the result and reasoning back to the data or to already established principles
b. : the investigation of a problem by the methods of algebra
c. : any proof based on considerations of number and the theory of limits, as opposed to geometric intuition
d. : the differential and integral calculus
a. : the resolution of knowledge into its fundamental factors or original principles and the tracing or reduction of physical, phenomenal, or abstract entities to their source or elements
b. : the elucidation, clarification, and explication of expressions and statements through a determination of their meaning or logical use
7. : the process of ascertaining the name of a species in biology or its place in a system of classification by means of an analytical table or key
8. : psychoanalysis
9. : bowling analysis
- in the final analysis